While the relationship-oriented leader usually coordinates tasks in which the worker does not only seek the maximum Economic performance. In these cases, the leader must be able to interpret the situation and offer the worker something that really motivates him. This point is independent in each person.
It can range from offering them greater importance in making decisions about the task to giving them tasks with more responsibilities so that they feel useful during buy email database the development of the job. Promote relationships This point applies especially to the leaders of organizations in which the command structure is flexible and not linear. In the second half of the 20th century, the theory of promoting interpersonal relationships within the company began to gain importance as a way of humanizing companies.
Promoting the creation of a work environment. Fiedler joins this idea, especially valuing those leaders with sufficient human capacity to promote these relationships among the workers themselves, either directly through the organization of events or indirectly through the creation of common work areas.